On Monday, the Government announced the release from the legal restrictions of the Covid-19 lockdown but that we should all still proceed with some degree of caution. The Centre is pleased to announce the following changes as to how we operate from this coming Monday, July 19:
- Face Coverings - we would strongly recommend that members continue to wear face coverings when not on court
- One Way System - this will still continue to operate due to the confines of the stairways and reception
- Inviting Players into the Centre - we will continue to invite players to enter the Centre, court by court, as this helps manage the number of people in our small reception area
- Showers, Toilets & Changing Facilities - these will be fully opened and we ask Members to behave in a responsible manner in these areas
- Bar Area - this will remain closed, due to the likely prolonged mixing of multiple groups in a confined area
- Spectating - spectating will still not be permitted
- Online Bookings - Members still need to list all players for their courts (this is how the new booking system works) but the restriction of 6 players per court is now removed
- Block Bookings - we would like to receive requests for block bookings in August for courts starting in September
We believe these changes are a reasonable balance between what the removal of legal requirements permit and what will continue to help minimise the risk to our Members and Staff given the confined spaces at the Centre whilst not on the Courts, and the ongoing pandemic.
Whilst we all hope that, as time progresses, we will be able to continue to remove restrictions, this remains dependent on Government and Badminton England guidance. The Committee will continue to keep the situation under review and make further updates based on the appropriate guidance and conditions.