New players welcomed to the tournament were Kaushik, Matt and Sean, who all played admirably. Special mention goes to Matt, who progressed to the quarter finals from a tight group - well done to him.
The climax of the evening was obviously the grand final between Alistair and Julien. At first it looked as Alistair might take the honours, leading all the way in the first game but faltering at the very last hurdle to lose 21-20. In the second game however it was all Julien, Alistair wilted probably due to an earlier tough semi-final with Tim and lack of match practice. Julien took the second game and the tournament 21-13.
So it is congratulations to Julien, not losing a game all evening and now third time champion!
It was another French victory in the Consolation Cup, with Aurelia winning all three games
convincingly, so well done to her too.